My apologies….
It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted, and I must confess, I've been hit with a dreaded case of writer's block. If you've ever been in a creative funk, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's like your ideas are stuck in traffic, and the freeway to creativity is under construction. DEAD STOPPED.
During these past weeks, I've felt a bit out of sync with my creative self. I stare at a blank page, and instead of words, there's just an echo of uncertainty. It's a little frustrating and a bit disheartening.
But I'm here to share three strategies I'm using, that you could use too, to shake things up and get our creative mojo flowing again!
1. Change of Environment
Sometimes, a change of scenery can do wonders. Whether it's working from a cozy café, taking a walk in nature, or even rearranging your workspace, new surroundings can spark fresh ideas and new perspectives. I’m headed to California next week. While Duncan is working, I hope to take time to explore, sit and write.
2. Set Small, Manageable Goals
Instead of aiming to write a full-fledged blog post, I’m focusing on jotting down small paragraphs or even a handful of sentences each day. Celebrating these small victories can help rebuild momentum.
3. Engage in Creative Activities
Dabbling in other creative pursuits like drawing, cooking, or listening to music can often reignite passion for writing. Giving your mind the space to play and explore can lead to unexpected bursts of inspiration. I’m not very “good” at drawing- but I do find that when I find myself doodling there are tiny sparks of creativity and inspiration.
As I work my way through this creative dry spell, I'd love to hear from you! What topics would you be interested in exploring together over the next month? Your suggestions not only inspire me but also ensure that I'm writing content that's valuable and engaging for you.
Thank you for sticking around and being part of my journey.
Here’s to a 2025 filled with meaningful and inspiring blogposts!
With Love from my Core,